

How to get to the Venue

More information about how to get to Flanders Meeting and Convention Centre, by train, by plane or by car is indicated at the venue’s website.

If you have further questions about how to reach the venue, you can always contact us via

Antwerp a Gateway to Europe

Antwerp offers easy accessibility by plane, train and car

Antwerp Central Station is under 40 minutes by train or bus transfer from Brussels Airport. The station has excellent high speed train connections to Paris, London, Amsterdam (Schiphol) with Thalys, Eurostar or Deutsche Bahn.

  • Excellent connections to Brussels Airport (47 km from the city centre)

               Brussels Airport has direct flights to major European and long-hauldestinations

  • Antwerp International airport (8 km from the city centre)
  • Other airports nearby
    • Eindhoven (60’)
    • Rotterdam (64’)
    • Amsterdam (65’)
    • Charleroi (1,5h)
    • Ostend (1,5h)
    • Düsseldorf (3h)

Getting around in Antwerp

Getting around in Antwerp is pretty easy. Antwerp is a small and walkable city but it sure offers other (sustainable) ways to discover the city.


Uber and Taxi drivers in Antwerp know the city as if it were their backyard. If you want to order a taxi, call Antwerp Tax via 0032 3 238 38 38. Or download the Antwerp Tax App via the Apple Store or Google Play Store.

Uber also operates in Antwerp. You can download the Uber App via the Apple Store or Google Play Store.


Antwerp provides a lot of shared mobility offers such as bikes, steps and scooters. You can find all the different options, operators and rates here.


Antwerp has got a broad network of public transport existing of trams, trains, busses, metro’s and even boats. You can find more information here.

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