


Scientific Comittee (in alphabetical order)

  • Prof. Dr. Hilde Beelen – UZ Gent
  • Dr. Heleen Delbeke - UZ Leuven
  • Prof. Dr. Bernard Duchesne, CHU Liège
  • Prof. Stefano Ferrari - Fondazione Banca degli Occhi del Veneto
  • Johan Guns – UZ Brussel
  • Prof. Dr. Philip Maier - Uniklinik Freiburg
  • Prof. Dr. Sorcha Ni Dhubhghaill - UZ Brussel
  • Prof. Dr. Elisabeth van Aken – UZ Gent


Organising Comittee (in alphabetical order)

  • Nezahat Bostan - UZA
  • Prof. Dr. Manon Huizing - UZA
  • Prof. Dr. Carina Koppen - UZA
  • Pieter Moons - UZA
  • Dr. Elke Smits - UZA
  • Veerle Van Gerwen - UZA
  • Marie-Claire van Heeswijk - UZA


Organiser and contract partner

Antwerp University Hospital

Drie Eikenstraat 655

2650 Edegem


European Eye Bank Association

EEBA President - Prof. Dr. med. Philip Maier, MD (University Hospital Freiburg, Germany)

EEBA Secretariat – Gary L.A. Jones


Meeting secretariat

Marie-Claire van Heeswijk

Event coordination

Antwerp University Hospital

The EEBA is supported by